no singe lit her
she ordered a rose wine. the bartender, zac without a k, always quick with a joke, snarked that she could get that fancy stuff in one of them biker bars, but not here. normally, zac's a hit with angry-looking, near-feral woman, but this time his playful jab was met with fuck you eyes instead of fuck me eyes. he demured and offered a pink zinfindel as an alternative.
(no, i had no idea that place stocked fucking pink fucking zinfindel either. now that i do, i am ponderously considering never taking my business there again. my dollars shouldn't be supporting that sort of establishment.)
maybe she felt bad for the death-stare she had just rained on zac (not likely) or she just wanted a fruity wine (yeah...that's probably it), but she accepted his counter-offer. the bottle was the same stale old design of a bottle that's been conveying wine since the days when the nazarene was creating his vintage from desert water. but the label was something else. now get this, it was fucking pink fucking zinfindel, but the label was a black background with a crimson phoenix of flames staring out at the imbiber in what can only be described (by me) as a pouncing crouch. wings spread, eyes fixed outward with a mastered rage, it looked like it may have already been off the label but for the fact it was still of only two dimensions. i will not, so long as my veins carry this much testosterone, drink any color zinfindel, but that label alone got me to submit a quick second order of tequila. and make it a double.
she didn't seem to notice the label. or maybe she just didn't have the vivid imagination of someone trapped in his own world of fantasy. she fumed away sipping her fruity wine and ruminating over something. something. what could it be? especially after a good tequila bathing, my brain likes to try to connect to other brains in the room to try and figure out what made their hosts look and act the way they do. i would never invite such scrutiny upon myself or welcome it, but my own validated hypocrisies stopped getting in m way a long, long time ago.
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